
Licandro Le Bistro

The chef, Felipe Licandro, after training and experience in starred establishments, is waiting to treat you!
Located in the centre of Aix-en-Provence, just a few blocks from the Cours Mirabeau, Licandro le Bistro offers a revisited French cuisine.

The menu follows the arrival of fresh local and seasonal products.

Opening times and Prices

Every day throughout the year
Opening hours on Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 12 pm and 1.30 pm and between 7.30 pm and 9.30 pm. On Thursday between 7.30 pm and 9.30 pm.
Closed Tuesday and Wednesday.


Adult menu: from 35 €.

Salles de réunion

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Licandro Le Bistro

18 rue de la Couronne

13100  Aix-en-Provence

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